School Handbook
Estacada School District #108
2023 - 2024
Parent/Student Handbook
301 NE 2nd Ave.
Estacada, Oregon 97023
Phone: 503-630-8552
Fax: 503-630-8577
District Website –
School Website –
Nutrition Website-
School Hours
Grades K-5: 7:30am-2:25pm Monday-Thursday 8:00-9:50 REID Days: Friday
Office Hours 7:00am- 3:00pm
Principal: Christina Anderson
Vice-Principal: James Wolfe
School Secretary: Katy Smith
Principal’s Secretary: Pam Hubbard
- Welcome
- Apps & Websites
- Administration
- Absences and Attendance
- Admission
- Assignment of Students to Classes
- Behavior/Discipline Guidelines
- Birthday Celebrations
- Breakfast/Lunch Program
- Pickup Patrol
- Bus Transportation
- Calendar
- Cell Phones
- Computer - Acceptable Use Policy
- Conferences/School- to-Home Communication
- Curriculum & Standards
- Going Home Early
- Homeless Students
- Parent Involvement
- Religious Instruction
- School Safety
- School Supplies
- State Testing
Welcome to Clackamas River Elementary School! We are a K-5 school with approximately 450 students. Our entire staff is committed to the academic, physical, social, emotional growth, support, and well-being of each student. To maximize learning, we are dedicated to creating a safe, rich learning environment with high expectations for success, strong instructional leadership, frequent monitoring of student achievement, application of effective research-based practices, and effective home-school relations. Our goal is to provide each student with the education they will need to positively impact their future and to become an involved member of our society. We look forward to working with you and your child and want to make this a wonderful educational experience for both of you. Any time you have questions or concerns, please give us a call. Working together, great things will happen for all children!
Apps & Websites
Powerschool is where parents can access the following information: Grades, Assignments and Attendance.
Pickup Patrol is a dismissal platform that tracks the end of the day plans for students. Families can easily make changes to students end of the day routine through the website.
Parent Square is a safe and secure platform for all school-to-home communication.
HomeTown Fan is where you will get all of your tickets for all school and district wide events.
My School Bucks Quickly pay for fees assigned to your student. View your student's meal purchases and current account balance at a glance.
The Estacada School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, disability, marital status, sex or age in providing education or access to benefits of education services, activities and programs, in accordance with Title VI, Title VII, Title IX and other civil rights or discrimination issues; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended; and the Americans with Disabilities Act. The following administrative staff, among other things, will coordinate compliance with legal requirements and may be contacted at the Estacada School District office at 503-630-6871, extension 2900.
Ryan Carpenter…………………………………………………………………….Superintendent
Christina Irish…………………..…………………………………………………...Business Manager
Jason Hobson……..…………………………………………………………………Student Services Director
Jennifer Berhman……….………………………………………………………. Director of Ed
Kelly Hayes and Lisa Akins …………….………………………………Human Resources
Mike Waer ……………………………………………………………………………Operations
Sara Lawson ……………………………………………………………………….Transportation
John Simpson………………………………..……………………………………Maintenance Department
Kyla Portwood.…………………………………………………………………….Food Services
Absences and Attendance
Absences and Attendance: Come to School, Be on Time, Stay all Day!
Attendance is one of the three Estacada’s student success indicators that has a strong impact on student achievement and success. We value your children and their educational experience, and we understand some absences are unavoidable as when your children are ill. To ensure your child’s safety, Clackamas River will call all families who have absent students each morning, unless we have heard from families. To avoid this phone call, please call the school office at 503-630-8552 before 8:00 a.m. Thank you!
We recognize there are times students may be absent due to family events, illness, etc. While we acknowledge the importance of family time, it is often difficult for children to miss school for an extended period of time without getting behind academically. If your child will be absent for more than two days, please notify your child’s teacher and the office so arrangements can be made to minimize the interruption to student learning. Students who have been absent are required to make up missing assignments. Parents may contact the school office to collect homework assignments.
A student seeking enrollment in the Estacada School District must meet all academic, age, immunization and other eligibility requirements for admission, as set forth by state law, Board policy and administrative regulations. The Estacada School District may deny regular school admission to a student who was expelled from another school district or who applied for admission to the district as a non-resident student. All children must be five years old before September 1st to enroll in kindergarten each year. You may obtain registration information in the office. In addition, each spring we hold a Kindergarten Connection to encourage as many early registrations as possible. Information about Kindergarten Connection will be advertised in the Estacada News as well as sent home with students.
Assignment of Students to Classes
Assignment of Students to Classes
Students are assigned to classes based on the individual needs of the students, staffing and scheduling considerations. In accordance with Board Policy JECD, parents shall have the right to request placement of their student. If a parent would like to make a request, they must submit a letter in writing to the principal expressing the needs of their child. An assignment to a teacher will not be honored on the basis of a student being placed with friends. Final decisions are the responsibility of the building principal. Parents also have the right to request information regarding teacher credentials, including Highly Qualified status under No Child Left Behind.
Assignment of Students to Schools
Generally students are required to attend school in the attendance area in which they reside. However, a recent policy allows students to attend a different district elementary school under certain circumstances. In the majority of cases, if a child attends school outside their attendance area, transportation will be the responsibility of the parent. Please contact the school office for additional information.
While parents have the option of placing their students in a private school or obtaining additional services (such as tutoring) from a private individual or organization, the district is not obligated to cover resulting tuition or costs.
A parent of any student receiving regular education, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, or Individuals with Disabilities Education (IDEA) services, must provide notice to the district at the last individualized education program (IEP) meeting prior to obtaining private services or, in writing, at least ten business days prior to obtaining such services. The notice must include the parent’s intent to obtain private services, the parent’s rejection of the educational program offered by the district, and the parent’s request that the district fund private services. Failure to meet these notice requirements may result in a denial of any subsequent reimbursement request.
Behavior/Discipline Guidelines
Behavior/Discipline Guidelines
Clackamas River Elementary implements a Responsive Schoolwide Framework that also integrates the Fly FIve model to support the development of the whole child.
Responsive Classroom is an evidence-based approach to teaching and discipline that focuses on engaging academics, positive community, effective management, and developmental awareness.
Interactive Modeling—An explicit practice for teaching procedures and routines (such as those for entering and exiting the room) as well as academic and social skills (such as engaging with the text or giving and accepting feedback).
Teacher Language—The intentional use of language to enable students to engage in their learning and develop the academic, social, and emotional skills they need to be successful in and out of school.
Logical Consequences—A non-punitive response to misbehavior that allows teachers to set clear limits and students to fix and learn from their mistakes while maintaining their dignity.
Interactive Learning Structures—Purposeful activities that give students opportunities to engage with content in active (hands-on) and interactive (social) ways
Responsive Classroom Framework:
Engaging Academics
Positive Community
Effective Management
Developmentally Responsive Teaching
Fly Five Competencies:
CRE believes all students can learn and thrive in a nurturing and safe environment. In order to promote and maintain a positive school setting, children are taught explicitly, and staff positively model the routines, expectations, and structures throughout the school community (Classroom/Hallways/Bathrooms/Pods/Music/Physical Education/Library/Playground). Students have a clear understanding of the Schoolwide Hopes and Dreams, which help create schoolwide rules/expectations.
Clackamas River Hopes and Dreams: These School Expectations will change once the school has completed the Responsive Classroom Format in adopting school wide rules for the 2022/2023 school year.
Growth Mindset
Never Let Yourself Down
Never Give Less than Your Best
Be Safe
Be aware of surroundings and actions
Keep hands and body to self
Be Respectful
Be kind to everyone, Kids and educators!
Respect property
Act with Integrity
Do the right thing even when no one is watching.
Clackamas River Elementary school-wide Hopes and Dreams apply to all who work, visit, or volunteer here, and they support the responsibilities listed above.
With the above in mind, classroom teachers develop classroom management plans, teach expected behaviors, reward students for positive behavior, and give consequences to students for negative behavior. The CRE staff follow through on a series of interventions/supports, such as;
Connect and talk with student(s)
Connect and talk with parent/guardian
Review expected behaviors/Hopes and Dreams
Reteach, Model and student model expected behavior
Support school community by community service plan
Students who make undesired choices follow a set of progressive consequences that may include loss of recess, Time in the office, in-school or out-of-school suspension, loss of awards and privileges, and/or referral to law enforcement officials. The Discipline Referral System is designed to intervene and correct serious, inappropriate behavior patterns, build an immediate and consistent response to such behaviors, and provide a method of communicating behavior problems to parents in a timely manner. There are two levels of documented inappropriate behaviors: minor referrals and major referrals. Minor referrals are dealt with at the classroom level and reported to the office. Major referrals are reported to the office and dealt with by the principal or the principal’s designee. Any serious infraction listed below may be immediately referred to the principal and vice principal:
Possession/use of Weapons (including fake and look-alike weapons)
Possession/use of Drugs (including alcohol or tobacco)
Fighting or Assault
Harassment, Bullying, Physical Aggression, or Threat
Verbal Abuse, Swearing, or Inappropriate Communication or Affection
Theft or Forgery
Property Damage or Vandalism
Extreme Disrespect, Defiance, or Disruption or Inappropriate Location
Discipline referrals may result in a conference to discuss the incident, determine an appropriate consequence, and parent/guardian contact.
Students receiving a Major Referral will be sent directly to the office. Each Major Referral will be accompanied by a phone call to parents/guardians and a letter or documentation sent to parents/guardians.
At Clackamas River Elementary, our goal is to provide a learning environment that promotes responsibility, learning, and safety. We strive to work with students to resolve conflicts and maintain a focus on academics and growth. We appreciate your support and cooperation as we work toward achieving this goal.
Birthday Celebrations
Birthday Celebrations-
To minimize classroom disruptions, our policy is to keep flowers, balloons, gifts, etc. in the office until the end of the day. We ask you to please leave any goodies and treats at home. We ask this due to any type of food allergies. When the student is released for the day, they can pick up their gift and take it home. Please note that students can not take balloons or flowers in water on the bus.
Bicycles may be ridden to school and walked to the bike rack once on school campus. Please do not ride bikes once on campus. They must be parked in the bike rack immediately upon arrival, and it is strongly recommended that bikes be locked. Clackamas River Elementary will not be responsible for loss or damage to students’ bicycles.
Library books are loaned to students free of charge. You and your child are responsible for lost or damaged books and will be required to pay replacement costs if books are lost or damaged. Replacement costs will be determined by the teacher or librarian based on the current value of the book. At the end of the school year, if your child owes a fee, you will be notified at least two weeks prior to dismissal from school to allow time to submit the necessary fines prior to the last day. Report cards may be held for students who owe money to the school for books.
Breakfast/Lunch Program
Breakfast/Lunch Program
For the 2023/2024 school year, please visit the estacada school district nutrition website to see updated meal plans here.
For the 2022/2023 School Year Breakfast is $1.55, Lunch is 2.80, and milk costs .55 Cents.
Pickup Patrol
Pickup Patrol
If a student needs to ride a bus other than his or her own, he/she must bring a note from his/her parent or guardian. If the student does not have a note, a parent or guardian will need to call the office at 503-630-8552 before 2:00 p.m. to make the arrangements. The office staff will give the student a note that will allow them to ride a different bus. Students who do not have permission to ride another bus will not be allowed to make arrangements at school during the day.
Bus Transportation
Bus Transportation
The privilege of riding a bus is reserved for district students, and is based upon good behavior and observance of established regulations. Children and parents of children who ride a bus should become familiar with the rules. Many parents provide help by supervising their children at bus stops and waiting with them until they are safely on the bus. For safety, kindergartens must have an adult at the bus stop otherwise the child will be returned to the school and a parent will be notified. Please no food or drink on the bus.
The bus driver is responsible for student safety during the ride and while students are loading and unloading. It is the driver’s duty to notify the transportation supervisor if any student persists in violating the following rules of conduct:
Rules for Riding School Buses (OAR: 581-53-010)
Pupils being transported are under authority of the bus driver.
Fighting, wrestling, and boisterous activity are prohibited.
Pupils shall use the emergency door only in case of emergency.
Pupils shall be on time for the bus.
Pupils shall not bring firearms, weapons, or other potentially hazardous materials on the bus.
The bus driver may assign seats.
Pupils shall remain seated while the bus is in motion.
When necessary to cross the road, pupils shall cross in front of the bus or as instructed by the bus driver.
Pupils shall not extend their hands, arms, or heads through bus windows.
Pupils shall have written permission to leave the bus at a location other than his/her scheduled bus stop.
Pupils shall converse in normal tones. Loud or vulgar language is prohibited.
Pupils shall not open or close windows without permission of driver.
Pupils shall keep the bus clean and must refrain from damaging it.
Pupils shall be courteous to the driver, to fellow pupils, and to the public.
Pupils, who refuse to promptly obey the driver’s directions or refuse to obey regulations, may forfeit the privilege of riding the bus.
No creature (dead or alive) will be allowed on the bus (in or out of cages or containers).
Articles that will not fit under the seat or on laps will not be allowed on buses.
In the event a student does not follow the above, the bus driver will issue a School Bus Incident Report to parents. This report will have a description of the misbehavior and must be signed by the parents and the principal. For the parent’s information, it will include the disciplinary action taken by the principal based on school policy. Immediate suspension of bus privileges can occur when violations endanger the safe operation of the bus.
Campus Policy/School Hours
For the protection of our students, the Clackamas River Elementary campus is closed during school hours. Students are to have a hall pass if they are outside of their regularly scheduled area. Children are not allowed to leave school grounds during the school day, including lunch, without parent permission. Morning supervision begins at 7:15, and students are not to arrive on campus prior to that time. At that time, students may enter through a designated entrance and head to their morning destination. Students should be in class by 7:35 am, after which time they are considered tardy. All classes dismissed at 2:35.
Cell Phones
Cell Phones
We understand students may bring cell phones for before and after school parent communication. Cell phones(including smart watches) are permitted at school ONLY if they are turned off and are kept in a backpack the entire day or locked in a teacher designated space. Students who disobey this rule will have their cell phone taken and returned at the end of the day on the first offense. For a second offense, the cell phone will be taken to the office for parent pick up. Additional offenses will result in further disciplinary action.
Child Find
Public schools will ensure that all students with disabilities, who are eligible for kindergarten through 21 years of age, residing within their attendance area, have available to them a free and appropriate public education in the least restrictive environments. The rights of children with disabilities and their parents will be protected in accordance with state and federal laws.
School districts must locate and identify individuals who have disabilities from birth to age 21. If you, or someone you know, have a child with a disability who may be in need of special education and related services, you can initiate a referral through your local schools.
Call 503-630-6871 Ext. #2904 for any of your local schools or the Special Services Department.
Class Parties
At various times during the year, classroom teachers will schedule parties for students. If for some reason you do not want your child to participate in these activities, please notify the classroom teacher so we can honor your wishes. Students who do not participate in classroom parties will be given an alternate location to attend during these times, and are encouraged to attend school. Classroom parties are usually scheduled for the last thirty minutes of the day. All treats that are sent in for parties must be purchased from the store and not homemade. Please keep treats as healthy as possible.
Classroom/School Visits
Parents are always welcome, and we encourage you to come to see what students are learning. Parents who wish to visit the classroom MUST have a cleared volunteer application on file and make advance arrangements with the classroom teacher. When you visit, you must report to the office before visiting classrooms, sign in and get a visitors’ badge. While visiting, many parents like to have lunch with their children. We encourage and welcome this. Please notify us by 8:30 a.m. if you intend to have lunch. The kitchen attempts to prepare the correct amount of food each day and does not include visitors in the lunch count. We do not allow visiting school-age friends or relatives to attend school with your children.
Time for healthy snacks will be given each day. Please refrain from sending snacks with high sugar content or items that are likely to leave crumbs behind.
Water bottles are also encouraged and welcome in the classroom. When possible, please make sure the lid can be closed so water does not spill if tipped over. Drinks other than water will not be permitted in the classroom.
Communicable Diseases
Parents of a student with a communicable or contagious disease are asked to telephone the office so other students who have been exposed can be alerted. Students with certain diseases are not allowed to come to school while the disease is contagious. This restriction may be removed for head lice after the parent provides a signed statement that a recognized treatment has been initiated.
Computer - Acceptable Use Policy
Computer - Acceptable Use Policy
The ESDN (Estacada School District Network) is an electronic highway connecting classrooms, offices and buildings within our district. It is connected to the Oregon Public Education Network and the Internet, which is a network made up of thousands of computers around the world and millions of individual subscribers. The purpose of the ESDN is to support and enhance teaching and learning in the Estacada School District by providing electronic access to worldwide communications and information resources. By creating this network, the district intends only to provide a means for educational activities and does not intend to create a first amendment forum for free expression purposes. ESDN will also be used to increase district intra-communications, enhance productivity, and facilitate information sharing with the local community, including parents, social service agencies, government agencies, and businesses. All use of the ESDN shall be consistent with this purpose. This policy shall also apply to the use of commercial or other networking service, which is used in association with the Estacada School District buildings or activities.
Students may be permitted to use the district’s electronic communications system for instructional purposes, providing the child’s parents have signed a permission form. Personal use of district computers, including email access, is prohibited. The district’s electronic communications system meets the following federal Children’s Internet Protection Act requirements:
Technology protection measures have been installed and are in continuous operation to protect against Internet access by both adults and students to visual depictions that are obscene, pornographic, or harmful to children.
Student online activities are monitored.
Access by students to inappropriate matter on the Internet is denied.
Procedures are in place to help ensure the safety and security of students when using electronic mail and other forms of direct electronic communications.
Unauthorized access, including so-called “hacking” and other unlawful activities, by students is prohibited.
Unauthorized disclosure and use and dissemination of personal information regarding students is prohibited.
The district retains ownership and control of its computer hardware, software and data at all times. All communications and stored information transmitted, received or contained in the district information system are the district’s property and are to be used for authorized purposes only. Use of district equipment or software for unauthorized purposes is strictly prohibited. To maintain system integrity, monitor network etiquette, and ensure that those authorized to use the district’s system are in compliance with Board policy, administrative regulations and law, school administrators may routinely review user files and communications. Files and other information, including e-mail (sent or received), are not private and may be monitored. By using the district’s system, individuals consent to have that use monitored by authorized district personnel. The district reserves the right to access and disclose, as appropriate, all information and data contained on district computers and district-owned e-mail systems.
Students, who violate Board policy and/or administrative regulations, including general system user prohibitions, shall be subject to discipline up to and including expulsion and/or revocation of district system access up to and including permanent loss of privileges. Violations of law will be reported to law enforcement officials.
Conferences/School- to-Home Communication
Conferences/School- to-Home Communication
Families will receive a weekly SMORE communication email on Fridays from the school. This is where you will find the most up to date information and events that will be happening across the school. Please make sure to read the SMORE communication each week.
Families will at least receive communication from the classroom teacher 2 times a month about current events
Effective communication between school and home is important to your child’s success. A school newsletter will be sent home twice a month. (Paper or Electronic) The newsletter is to inform you of activities, upcoming events and special announcements. A red folder is used from school to home communication, this folder will go home on the First Day of the Week. Please check with your child on a daily basis for communications that may have been sent home from school. Teachers also communicate via telephone calls, Parent Square, e-mail, report cards, etc.
In addition to these communications, parent-student-teacher conferences are held twice a year. Parent-student-teacher conferences are a time to discuss your child's strengths, areas of need, and are also an opportunity to learn more about the school and have your questions answered. During these conferences, we look forward to learning things about your child that will help us provide a quality educational program. We welcome your input and participation, and we encourage your involvement in your child’s education.
Curriculum & Standards
Curriculum & Standards
Both Estacada School Districts Elementary schools use the Benchmark Advance reading program and EnVisions Math Curriculum. Specific information about the curriculum used at your child’s grade may be obtained from your child’s teacher.
All teachers use a curriculum that is aligned to the new Common Core State Standards. These standards are used by over 40 states and are geared toward making students college and career ready upon high school graduation. These standards, along with information for parents can be found on the web at:
Directory Information
Unless we receive notification from a parent or guardian, the school may release student directory information, when appropriate. Directory information includes name, address, phone number and photographs. Please complete and return the designated form if you do not give your consent for release of School “Directory Information” found in policy JOA & JOA-AR(1). This form is available through the PowerSchool Parent Portal.
Dress Code
Student dress, in general, must meet reasonable standards of cleanliness and safety and must not disrupt the educational process (School District Policy JFCA). As a building policy, students may not wear:
Clothing displaying alcohol or drugs messages,
Clothing with words or pictures that can be interpreted as sexual or ethnic harassment,
“Heely” shoes (shoes with wheels),
Chains or spikes of any kind.
Pants that sag below the hips. For safety reasons and for students to participate in physical education, students must be able to run without hanging onto their pants.
Students are expected to wear shirts that meet the pants (No midriff or skin showing).
Students are expected to wear shorts and/or skirts that are an appropriate length (fingertip length is a good measure).
Students who come to school dressed inappropriately will be offered clothing to put on (based on availability) or will need to call home for a change of clothes. The principal will make this judgment as needed.
Although rainy-day recess occurs under the covered play area, students will be required to wear a coat/hat to attend recess during cold and/or wet weather.
Going Home Early
Going Home Early
In order to dismiss a student prior to the end of the school day, we require the parent or guardian to pick up the child or write a note authorizing the child’s release. For the protection of your child, we will not allow a student to leave with anyone other than the parent or guardian unless we have written or verbal permission from the parent/guardian. If you pick up your child during the school day, please come to the office, sign out your child, and we will call your child to meet you in the office. Please do not go directly to classrooms. All students must be signed out and will not be released to meet parents in the parking lot.
English Language Learners (ELL)
Students who speak a language other than English have the opportunity to receive English Language Development (ELD) instruction and support at Clackamas River Elementary School. For more information about this program, please contact the school. All students whose Home Language Surveys are marked “speaks another language in the home” will be assessed for the possible need for ELD instruction. Parents will be notified of this assessment.
Field Trips
Clackamas River Elementary students enjoy a variety of field/study trips during the school year that are scheduled for educational, cultural or other extracurricular purposes. All students are considered to be “in school" while participating in district-sponsored field trips. This means students are subject to the school's rules for behavior, applicable Board policy, and such other rules as may be deemed appropriate by the field trip supervisor. Some field trips have associated fees which will be covered by parent contributions, Parents’ Club and/or building fundraisers. All children who participate in study trips must have a signed permission slip on file in the office. Your child's teacher will send home a note with appropriate information about each upcoming field trip.
Homeless Students
On the first day of school, we will send home information on a student-accident insurance policy that may be of interest to you. It is relatively inexpensive and a good way to provide coverage if no other coverage is available. The school district is not financially responsible for students who are hurt at school within the regular school day. Please see the office if you have questions
Items to be left at Home
While we understand children enjoy bringing their favorite toys and items to school, it is very difficult to keep these items secure and prevent them from becoming a disruption in the classroom. It is best if all toys and personal items are left at home. PLEASE leave all toys at home. We want to ensure that students can
The following is a list of items students should not bring to school:
1. Toys (especially toy weapons, including knives of any kind)
Radios, tape recorders, CD players, iPods and cameras, phones
Candy and gum
Unnecessary amounts of money
Fireworks, sparklers or explosives of any form
Laser pens
Lost and Found
We have a substantial number of jackets, sweaters and assorted articles of clothing left in the lost and found. A few times during the school year we will set the lost and found items out for students and parents to view and reclaim. We usually have no way of returning lost items to their owners, as they are not marked with a name or other identification. Lost and found items not claimed will be donated to charitable organizations. We strongly suggest you mark all jackets, lunch boxes, and other items with your child’s name affixed in such a manner it cannot be removed. Please check the lost and found box each time you visit.
Medication at School
The district recognizes administering medication to students may be necessary when failure to take such medication would jeopardize the health of the student or the student would not be able to attend school if the medication were not made available during school hours. Consequently, students may be permitted to take non-injectable prescription or nonprescription medication at school on a temporary or regular basis.
All requests for the district to administer prescription or nonprescription medication to a student shall be made by the parent in writing. Written instructions, from a licensed physician, are required for all requests to administer prescription medication. Such instructions must include the following information: name of the student, name of the medication, dosage, route, frequency of administration and any special instructions. A prescription label with the above information meets the requirements for written instructions from the physician. All medication to be administered by the district must be brought to school by the parent in its original container. Medication not picked up by parents within five school days of the end of the medication period or at the end of the school year, whichever occurs first, will be disposed of by the district.
The district reserves the right to reject a request to administer prescription or nonprescription medication when such medication is not necessary for the student to remain in school.
*If your child needs to have an EPI-PEN on site, please contact the main office.
Newsletter/Social Media
We will send home a regular bulletin via email that contains important information about the school. It is intended to keep you informed about what is happening at Clackamas River Elementary School, including upcoming events. We also try to include community information such as sports sign ups, community meetings and other information you may find valuable. Also, check out the Clackamas River website or Facebook page for more information about the school.
Parent Involvement
Parent Involvement
The Estacada School District recognizes a child's education is a responsibility shared by the school and family during the entire period a child spends in school. Although parents are diverse in culture, language, and needs, they share the school's commitment to the educational success of their children.
Clackamas River Elementary provides many opportunities for parents to be involved in their child's education including monthly parent and principal meetings, parent volunteer programs, and school and home activities.
Volunteers are an important part of every day at Clackamas River. Volunteer opportunities are available on a regular or one-time basis. A volunteer request form is sent home during the first week of school. In addition, volunteer opportunities may be listed in the monthly newsletter.
All volunteers who work with children (work in classrooms, library, attend field trips, etc.) will be required to complete an annual background check. These forms are available in the office and must be completed two weeks prior to your involvement with students in our school.
Field trip volunteers are volunteering to chaperone an assigned group of students. This requires our volunteers to ride the bus or designated trip transportation with their assigned group, stay with the group to supervise the entire trip, and model positive behaviors. Siblings or young children are not allowed to attend field trips.
Each year the school district contracts with photographers to provide individual and class photos for those who wish to purchase them. Individual photos are taken early in the school year and returned prior to winter break. Class photos and individual photos are taken again in the spring. Parents who wish to purchase picture packages will be required to send in the appropriate amount of money on picture day.
Religious Instruction
Recess/Physical Education
Please make sure to dress appropriately for outside recess. When it is cold and rainy it is important to have a coat/jacket that protects them from the rain.
For PE please make sure that students are wearing non marking shoes. These shoes are considered athletic shoes. This will help protect the gym floor.
School Safety
School Supplies
Services for Special Needs Students
Some students qualify for extra support – special education, speech/language therapy, adaptive physical education, occupational therapy, and/or physical therapy. If you feel your child isn’t making the progress he/she should, a referral for special services can be made at your request.